Cabin Openings for 2015
Cabin Openings for 2015 ! ! !
A very rare treat for those who have wanted to stay in our cozy cabins on the bluff of Lake Pillsbury Resort, but can never get in during the summer. We have a few weeks open with different size/style cabins in July and August. These cabins are for a one week stay, Saturday to Saturday. Shorter stays of a minimum of 3 nights will be considered about a week or so out from the arrival date.
Currently Open:
July 18 thru July 25 we have a large cabin, McLeod Ridge
July 25 thru August 1 one of our secluded cabins, Osprey is available
August 1 thru August 8 two small cabins close to each other in the cabin area
Details and pricing can be found on the “cabin” pages of our website. Call Maryann at 707-743-9935 for more information or to reserve for this summer’s openings.